Family History

I have always been interested in Genealogy, but its only the past 7 yrs i have been able to do something about it, I guess  what got me wondering about my ancesters was when i found out my father was 1 of 14 children. Apart from a few aunts I never got to meet most of my dads siblings, I could never understand why dad never really spoke about them, as far as I am aware there was no bad feelings between them. When i started to research his family I came across a few suprises, nothing nasty but i found out one of dads brothers was killed India in ww2 for example.
Genealogy can be a  very expensive and time consuming hobby, the internet is a great research tool but most sites out there they are pay to view. Over the years i have bought census cd's for the counties i am most interested in, and i have visited the London records office a few times. As times goes by more and more information becomes available and if you know what to look for and where you'd be suprised at what you can find out.

You can see my family tree by clicking on the link below:

Buxton Family Tree

Hopefully on my links page i will have links to some other sites that may help you